“Innovate during a downturn” is what I suggested in my previous post.
Malcolm Gladwell in his new book “Outliers: The Story of Success” mentions another activity that some companies think they should not do during a downturn. To Fortune magazine’s question about the timing of talent development, Gladwell says “Paradoxically, this might be the perfect time. When it’s easy to make money, you have no incentive to think about development of talent. Now, you’re forced to.” FORTUNE November 24, 2008
First posted in WordPress on November 25, 2008
Malcolm Gladwell in his new book “Outliers: The Story of Success” mentions another activity that some companies think they should not do during a downturn. To Fortune magazine’s question about the timing of talent development, Gladwell says “Paradoxically, this might be the perfect time. When it’s easy to make money, you have no incentive to think about development of talent. Now, you’re forced to.” FORTUNE November 24, 2008
First posted in WordPress on November 25, 2008